Our Sunday Services are held at 9AM, 11:15AM, & 5PM! Head over to the Sunday Service tab for more information.

AAPI Heritage Month Panel: Exploring Identity & Heritage

May is AAPI Heritage Month! We have the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the contributions and achievements of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to American culture, and for us as Christians, contributions to the global church. We also recognize the barrier that can exist within our context in Charleston. Asian and Pacific Islander Americans make up only 2% of our population in our city, which could lead to being overlooked, misunderstood, and misrepresented. We hope that as a church, we can be intentional during this month to engage and learn some of the history, culture, stories, and experiences of this community so that we can be more equipped to love and care for our brothers and sisters of American and Pacific Islander descent. This is the type of unity that we strive for, where people of diverse backgrounds and experiences can be engaged fully, without sacrificing or minimizing core aspects of their identity.

We hope that you join us for our AAPI Panel: Exploring Identity & Heritage on Sunday, May 19th, at 1:30 PM, right after the second service.