Our Sunday Services are held at 9AM, 11:15AM, & 5PM! Head over to the Sunday Service tab for more information.
A Jesus-Made Family
We believe reconciliation leads us to dependence on God, unity as a diverse body of believers, and engagement in our community. We’d love to share more about who we are and what God is doing at Grace City.
Member Night
GCC members! Our next Member Night is on Monday, on Monday, March 31st at St. Matthew Baptist Church at 6:30 PM! Member Night is a special time for our family to come together and celebrate what God is doing in our church. Childcare will be provided for ages 0-4, but please request it on the RSVP form by March 24th! We hope to see you there!
Baptism is an act of obedience that directly corresponds to the internal transformation that has happened in the life of every believer. If you are considering taking this next step, sign up below to have a conversation with one of our Pastors to talk through what baptism could look like for you!
Stumbling Stones is Grace U's first course! The goal of this course is to equip attendees to deal with difficult passages in the Bible by engaging the difficult questions that stem from our cultural understanding or Biblical ignorance. The course will cost $15 and will be held at GCC on Monday nights in April. Sign up below!
Discovery is an intro class where we’ll talk through the distinctives of Grace City Church in hopes that it helps a guest get more clarity on if this is the church for you! It is also the gateway to connect at Grace City Church. Let us know if you're coming by signing up below!